
St Peter's Pavenham is a community-friendly church with something for everyone - why not come along and see for yourself? You will be sure of a warm welcome.

We meet every Sunday for worship at 11.15am.   First and third Sundays are traditional communion services using Common Worship.  Second and fourth Sundays are less traditional in style - there is no communion and there is a mix of traditional and contemporary music.  These 'Morning Worship' services are particularly suitable for families, although all ages seem to enjoy them! Please check the front page calendar as times can change for special events. After every service we serve coffee and biscuits, giving people the opportunity to talk with each other and also get to know newcomers.

A thriving home group meets on Tuesday mornings to read and discuss the Bible - and drink more coffee!  There is also a Caring Team who discreetly offer support and prayer for those in any kind of  need. The church is well supported by many in the community such as the bell ringers and the Flower Guild

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